Monday, May 2, 2016

ELL Tutoring Partnership Case Study

Through my partnership tutoring at a local high school, I've learned an abundance on how students develop and grow in a variety of ways, which has allowed me to understand how to design learning experiences which are both developmentally appropriate and challenging. In meeting with my student all semester I've observed where he stands cognitively, linguistically, socially, and emotionally, which has helped me to better connect with him academically and personally. Through having both academic and social conversations with him and having him read aloud to me, I was able to observe his linguistic skills. By understanding his linguistic development, I was able to adjust how I spoke to him in order to assure he will understand me, yet continue to challenge him to learn new words. From observing his interactions with peers and his interactions with myself and my placement partner, I was able to see where he stands in social development. Through helping support him in a time when he experienced such a hardship, I was able to reflect upon his emotional development. I am incredibly proud of how he dealt with the loss of his friend in such a mature manner, how he felt comfortable opening up to myself and my placement partner about his feelings, and how he prioritized academics even while dealing with such a hardship. My student has blown me away this semester and it has been a pleasure watching him grow.

Case Study

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